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Somatic mosaicism detected by exon-targeted, high-resolution aCGH in 10 362 consecutive cases



  title = {Somatic mosaicism detected by exon-targeted, high-resolution aCGH in 10 362 consecutive cases},
  author = {Pham, Justin and Shaw, Chad and Pursley, Amber and Hixson, Patricia and Sampath, Srirangan and Roney, Erin and Gambin, Tomasz and Kang, Sung-Hae L and Bi, Weimin and Lalani, Seema and others},
  journal = {European Journal of Human Genetics},
  volume = {22},
  number = {8},
  pages = {969},
  year = {2014},
  publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
  public = {yes}